

Affirmations to harness the power of your planets 👉 

Jupiter transiting your natal Pluto

Jupiter touching on Pluto is a chance for expansive transformation. Pluto is a little bit like the Devil, but with a much kinder initial attitude that we would consider. Traumas from our past (or past lifetimes/ancestors depending on your beliefs) create unconscious patterns of behavior that are based in Self Protection. Just like if you’ve suffered a major trauma and stay hyper vigilant because it, always entering into fight/flight mode…it’s there to protect you. But it also may give you high blood pressure that causes damage to your heart, harming you in reality. 

During a transit of Jupiter to Pluto you're able to tap into this unconscious and self-protective behaviors that are actually trapping your energy and causing you harm. Places where you’re not actually in danger anymore or aren’t dependent on caregivers anymore….but still hold your power and agency captive because of these intense memories and experiences. When these transits come around you’re able to free yourself and call your personal power back home. 

Giving you more energy for creation, joy, and accomplishing your hopes and dreams in this life. You can mess around and heal your entire line so to speak.

Jupiter square your natal Pluto

This usually brings the opportunity to face up to your triggers. It’s not always the most comfortable transit, but it is usually easy to notice. Places where you’re feeling stuck or triggered are showing you the way to return your power back to yourself. Painful traumas of the past or memories from childhood that have shaped the way that you carry yourself in the world are ready to be transformed.

All you have to do is be willing to look deeper at the pattern. To dive down into your depths and call yourself home. To focus your attention on what your HEALED self would look like, rather than the “cause” of why you have the pattern or habit that you do. 

Working with Jupiter transits....

Jupiter has outstanding media coverage. The planet of manifestation, gifts, opportunities, doors flying open out of nowhere. Which to be fair, are all Jupiter things. But Jupiter also is tied to the Wheel of Fortune card in Tarot. The wheel spins and the trick is to answer the question correctly to win the prize. 

How do you answer (or respond) to a Jupiter transit in a way to win the prize? 

  1. Be willing to believe in something greater than your current reality. 
  2. Looks for openings to bring that something greater into reality 
  3. Take action to support that expansion 

There is a tendency with Jupiter transits to just sit back, spend your money, and reap your reward. But that is a mistake. Jupiter, like all the other planets want to see you RESPOND to it working in your life. 

The house Jupiter is transiting through AND the house of your natal planet shows where to be looking for opportunity + expansion....

1st Houseself image, sense of Style, ability to be a leader in your own life, confidence 

2nd House self worth, money, trust in your innate gifts and talents being good enough to succeed in life 

3rd Houseyour mindset, ability to relate to others, communication style, relationship with siblings

4th House - putting down roots, feeling like you belong, your personal mythology, family of origin 

5th House - creativity, self expression, children/childhood, ability to playfully explore life, ability to have fun, dating 

6th House -  health, daily habits, work life, being of service to the world in a meaningful way 

7th House - relationships, boundaries/holding your ground with other people

8th House - sexuality, how you take on the energy of others, ability to cope with the realities of life such a your own mortality/tragic hardships we all face

9th House your beliefs, religious experiences, ability to access expansive experiences such as traveling abroad/higher education

10th House - your Mission in life, career moves, public Identity (how the public perceives you)

11th House-  your Hopes and Dreams, community, circle of Friends, social Media

12th House - self sabotaging behaviors, ways you escape reality, Spiritual + Energetic practices & boundaries 

About the author, Kacy Danae

Kacy is an in demand Astrologer for Business and Personal transformation. She's worked with hundreds of clients around the globe to create businesses and social media communities that align with their sacred talents. While also enriching their home, family, and relationships. Kacy works 1:1 with clients and offers a range of teaching & group programs. She helps people stay in tune with the Daily Forecast each day on Instagram Stories.

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